Learn How to Sketchnote—No Art Degree Required!

A talk given at Japan SciCom Forum online on October 26th, 2021.


Have you ever seen a sketchnote? It’s when a person sketches and takes notes, often live, to bring research, public service announcements and TED talks to life. It is a powerful visual tool that engages audiences and makes the content of the lecture more accessible and easy to understand.

*But I'm not an artist—*and that's okay! Not many sketchnoters are when they start out. But learning how to sketch is another excellent way of communicating your ideas to others; especially across borders.

In this workshop, CJ goes over the two basic fundamentals for sketchnoting—thinking and drawing. Participants are asked to first listen before drawing so that they can hone their ability to capture the most important takeaways from a talk. Then, participants are asked to practice basic lines and shapes to create their own drawings of complex ideas, like neurotransmitter inhibitors, climate change, and other topics that are hard to visually represent to challenge themselves.


Learn How to Sketchnote by CJ Hostetter